What is FRP Grating ?
This Slide show does a great job explaining what FRP Grating is, and what FRP Grating can do. Plenty of photos of FRP Grating installations.
FRP Grating is a strong, lightweight fiberglass building material used in all kinds of construction from bridges, to huge storage tanks, to children’s play structures.
FRP stands for Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic. One of the biggest advantages FRP Grating has over steel is that FRP simply WILL NOT RUST. That’s why you see a lot of FRP used around saltwater for docks, walkways, and hand rails. FRP Grating looks a lot like steel, so you may have seen FRP at a marina and not even know it.
Chlorine doesn’t hurt FRP either, so we use it in swimming pools and waterparks in to build stairs, railing, and drainage areas.
FRP Grating is no stranger to industrial facilities like potash mines, chemical plants and waste-water treatment plants.
We use it build platforms, walkways, stairs and ladders in corrosive environments where steel would rust away in no time.
Pound for Pound FRP is stronger than steel. It won’t corrode, rot, or conduct electricity. It can be formed into countless shapes and profiles from Beams to Angle to Fiberglass Grating.
Call National Grating at 1-877-984-7788 for your next FRP Grating Project.